The Botswana National Sport Commission has been hosting the Annual Sports Awards since 1981, in some occasions in partnership with some members of the corporate sector. The Sport Awards Ceremony is normally held in April of every year.
This scheme rewards overall annual performance and will continue to exist parallel to the Affiliates’ Performance Incentives Scheme which rewards performance for official international competitions on a case by case basis and other instruments designed by either the Council or its affiliates to recognize and/or reward performance.
Awards are given for the following categories:
- Junior Female Sports person of the year
- Junior Male Sports person of the year
- Sports Administrator of the year
- Non-Citizens
- Team of the year
- National Sport Association of the year
- Sports Woman of the year
- Sports Man of the year
- Umpire/Referee of the year
- Coach of the year
- Group Code of the year
- Sports person of the year
- Sports Person of the year with Disability(Female)
- Sports Person of the yearwith Disability(Male)
- Electronic Media
- Electronic Sports Journalist/Reporter
- Print Media
- Print Sports Journalist/Reporter
- Camera Person
- Minister’s Special Award
Junior Sports Woman/Man
Athletes under 21 years of age involved in age-based competitions of up to under 21.
Sports Administrator
Executive Committee member of a club, national sports governing body or sporting group/organisation, in the year that is being considered, who has made outstanding contribution at club, national or international level.
A non-citizen who has made an outstanding contribution to Botswana Sport in any area.
Two or more individuals playing together at one point in time, either at a club or national level; provided that club performance is measured against clubs and national team performance is measured against other national teams. This category does not include individuals’ aggregated scores at a competition.
Sports Code
An affiliate showing an overall improvement in the performance of its athletes and/or teams, officials, referees, etc. with a deliberate strategy to take its activities throughout the country. The affiliate should demonstrate a clear adherence to its annual activity plan, compliance to submissions’ requests from the Commission’s Executive Ofice within stipulated deadlines and proper accountability of funds disbursed.
Sports Woman/Man
Athletes aged 21 and above.
Best Executed Development Plan
A successfully implemented development plan.
Individual who has displayed fairness, discipline, dedication and integrity in officiating matches and/or competitions of affiliates at national and international levels.
An individual who has directly contributed to the success of his/her club, team and/or athlete(s) at national and/or international competitions in the areas of performance in the field of play.
Sports Person
An Athlete, Coach, Referee and/or Administrator who has already won a category at the Awards Ceremony for which he is being considered.
i.Electronic Media House
The electronic media house that has constructively and extensively covered sport
ii.Electronic Sports Journalist/Reporter
A journalist from the electronic media house who has constructively and extensively covered sport
iii.Print Media
The print media house that has constructively and extensively covered sport
iv.Print Sports Journalist/Reporter
A journalist from the print media house who has constructively and extensively covered sport
v.Camera Person
A camera person from a print media house who has produced the best sports action picture(s).
Where a specific media house wins, it does not automatically suggest that the journalist/reporter and/or cameraman will come from the same house, and vice versa.
Group Code
A group code whose performances both administratively, development wise and in the field of play exceed other group codes.
Chairperson’s Special Award
The Commission Chairperson’s special choice of individual based on the person’s general contribution to the development of sport in the country.
Minister's Award
The Minister of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture has a special choice of individual or individuals based on their general contribution to the development of sport in the country.
i.Information that will qualify for an Award would be that of competitions of at least four countries at the Zone VI level and six countries or more at all levels of competition above the Zone VI.
ii.Athletes/Teams must have competed in at least two games/rounds/bouts at the Zonal level and at least three at all levels above the Zone at any event for the results to qualify for recognition under this Awards Selection Criteria. One off competitions like the international cross country championships will also be considered
iii.Invitational and/or friendly games shall not be recognised by these awards selection criteria.
iv.Only National championships/tournaments shall be considered in the case of evaluating the athletes’ domestic performance. This may not be limited to national championships in Botswana.
v.Only Botswana citizens qualify for nominations, save for the Non-citizens’ Sports Award category where only non-citizens are considered.
vi.Selection committees and other levels of adjudication will source information from whatever source to help objective assessment of winners. Notwithstanding, Commission National Sport Commission will be invited to submit nominations for all categories, accompanied by CVs and profiles to aid the adjudication process.
vii.Where they make nominations, such should be submitted by 30th February each year, to enable the selection committees to conclude their selection process before forwarding their final report with recommendations to the Selection Panel. Each affiliate will not make more than one nominee per category.
viii.Where selection committees are convinced that any submission is fraudulent, they will disregard such a submission.
ix.The BNSC employees/staff of organisations employed as providers of awards winning functions do not qualify for nominations.
x.A shortlist of nominees will be drawn from all candidates considered in each category, and will be called “the finalists” from whom the award winner will be chosen; provided that such shortlist will not be made available to the press, or published for the general public at any point before the awards ceremony.