In 1976 Gerhard Adams, from Germany, started judo at what was then known as Botsalano House (the present Debswana House). In 1978 John Bennett from Australia continued to taught the sport in a dojo in Broadhurst. In 1992 Willie Paulsen and Stompie Matthyser, two South Africans, brought their expertise of judo to Botswana and introduced it in various private schools.
The Botswana Amateur Judo Association was formed and registered in 1996 and affiliated to the Botswana National Sport Commission.
In 2007 the Association underwent a name, constitution and logo change to the Botswana Judo and Kurash Association. In March 2009, the name was once again changed to Botswana Judo Federation (BJF).
The Botswana Judo Federation (BJF) is the national governing body for the Olympic sport of judo in Botswana and is the only body in Botswana recognised by the International Judo Federation. BJF is responsible for the overall policy formulation and implementation, administration, discipline, promotion, and development of judo in Botswana. The Federation is the link between the clubs, the Botswana National Sports Council and the Botswana National Olympic Committee.
The objectives of the Federation are to:
• promote, foster, develop, guide and control the practice of judo in Botswana
• provide the opportunity to learn about judo to the Botswana community.
• develop and maintain cordial sporting relations with other judo organisations.
The Executive Committee is elected by the clubs and committee members within Botswana.
Membership to the Federation is controlled by the BJF Executive in terms of the contents of the BJF Constitution and Policy Documents.
BJF is affiliated to
• Botswana National Sport Commission (BNSC)
• Botswana National Olympic Committee (BNOC)
• Zone VI Judo Association
• Commonwealth Judo Association (CJA)
• African Judo Union (AJU)
• International Judo Federation (IJF)
Registration with the Federation takes place each year in January, and all judokas are expected to register with the Federation.
Being a member has the following advantages:
• Affiliation to the Botswana National Olympic Committee allowing qualified representation at the Olympic and Paralympics Games and Competitions.
• Affiliation to the Botswana National Sports Council allowing qualified representation at the Commonwealth Games, All Africa Games and the Botswana Games.
• Affiliation to the International Judo Federation allowing qualified representation at the World Championships and any other internationally recognised judo competitions.
• Affiliation to the African Judo Union allowing qualified representation at Continental Union events.
• Affiliation to the Commonwealth Judo Association allowing qualified representation at Commonwealth events.
• Affiliation to Zone VI allowing qualified representation at Zone VI events.
• Participation in National Championships in IJF recognised weight categories.
• Members enjoy the benefits of an organisation that provides a policy and programme structure ensuring standards are maintained. This includes:
o fair selections policies
o coaching structures
o grading policies and procedures
o refereeing standards
o technical official standards
• Participation in:
o Technical Courses
o Coaching Courses
o First Aid Courses
o National Grading
o Kata Camps
o Training Camps
With registration you are entitled to participate in:
• Club competitions
• Regional competitions
• National competitions
• Cross border competitions
• International competitions.
• Gradings where your grade will be recognised internationally
• May only partake/practice judo within their club.
• May not grade as the grade will not be recognised outside of that specific club.
• May not partake in any competitions where they compete against players from other clubs.
To improve and consolidate judo’s position as one of Botswana’s most successful sports in the international arena, to widen and increase opportunities for participation, and to secure the future growth and development of the sport at all levels.
By the year 2012 Botswana judo will be widely recognised as a dynamic and growing sport with a high profile, significantly increased membership and improved national and international representation. It
will be recognised as a successful and efficiently run organisation with a reputation for voluntary commitment and high standards in all its services and products.
Japeta Letsholo
Kingsley Segokotlo Gaongalelwe Morris Enerst Mathopa Ishmael Thaga Patricia Nthibo Kgosipula Kaupa Stephen Pheko
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