The Movement was formed in 2000 and launched in April 2001 to compliment the efforts Botswana National Sports Commission achieve the objectives of vision 2012 and 2016 by fostering the spirit of volunteerism in the different codes. This was borne out of the realization that the pathway to promote sport development, especially in cases where there is inadequate financial resources to engage fulltime personnel, is to build a pool of skilled volunteer coaches, referees/umpires, judges, and administrators. This is done through training/upskilling volunteers on an ongoing basis.
The Movement encourages individuals and the community at large to participate in sport, and also seeks to recognize and appreciate the efforts of those involved.
Aims and objectives
• To create capacity building for development of sports in line with Botswana’s long term Vision 2016 and Botswana National Sport Commission’s Vision 2012.
• To conscientise communities about the importance of sports in health, education, productivity and quality of life.
• To promote participation in sports activity by all members of the public.
• To produce well-trained personnel to serve sports in various capacities such as financial management, administration, sponsorship negotiation and fundraising, and marketing.
• To encourage parents to take keen interest in their children’s sports development and create a well-coordinated support base.
• To develop and harmonize all our sports scientific strategic and technical development in a uniform manner.
• To foster a spirit of cooperation amongst all sporting codes.
• To develop interpersonal friendship amongst individuals and communities.
• To develop programmes that are aimed at optimal utilization of sports facilities wherever they are located.
• To promote the spirit of patriotism in all spheres of society.